This CLE is an accelerated survey of copyright law by Shyam Balganesh, a leading intellectual property scholar and Professor of Law at the University of Pennsylvania Law School. This course is ideally suited for attorneys who never took copyright law or practicing attorneys looking to quickly gain a fluency in the basics of copyright. This course will introduce you to the workings of copyright law through an examination of the system’s basic principles, rules, and institutions. Topics will include: the justifications for copyright law, copyrightable subject matter, authorship, the nature and scope of copyright’s exclusive rights, fair use, and remedies for infringement.
Lecturer: Shyamkrishna Balganesh
Shyam Balganesh is a Professor of Law and Co-Director of the Center for Technology, Innovation & Competition (CTIC) at the Law School. His scholarship focuses on understanding how intellectual property and innovation policy can benefit from the use of ideas, concepts and structures from different areas of the common law, especially private law. His most recent work examines the evolution of American copyright law from a predominantly private law regime to a public law based regulatory system under the influence of Legal Process thinking. While at Yale Law School, he was an Articles & Essays Editor of the Yale Law Journal and a Student Fellow at the Information Society Project (ISP). Prior to that he spent two years as a Rhodes Scholar at Balliol College, Oxford. Recent articles include: "Copyright as Market Prospect," University of Pennsylvania Law Review (2018), "Causing Copyright," Columbia Law Review (2017), "The Questionable Origins of the Copyright Infringement Analysis," Stanford Law Review (2016), "Copyright and Good Faith Purchasers," California Law Review (2016), and "Structure and Value in the Common Law," University of Pennsylvania Law Review (2015), among others.